At Northwest Metal Products, our number one goal is quality control. We’re growing! We are always looking for new efficiencies. Expanding into a new polishing room was our latest project. One of the reasons it’s important to have a dedicated space is cleanliness and consistency. We are always looking for better ways to increase the quality control and we take it seriously. Better organization leads to better production! Northwest Metal Products is committed to excellence and is driven by constant change and innovation. Along with our newer, bigger polishing room, we have added an employee to our finishing team. Welcome Taylor! Checkout the photos in the progression of our new polishing room being built and completed along with full operation now:

Old Polishing Room

Part of the back warehouse getting ready for construction.

During construction, the room getting closed off.

Taylor is the newest addition to our team.

The new vacuum system to help keep things clean and productive.

New Polishing Room at work.